Various Herbs Proven Helpful for Tinnitus Treatment

There are many herbs that are proven useful to manage tinnitus. Particularly, herbs that stimulate blood circulation and that is rich in nutrients are best for tinnitus management. Here are some herbs for tinnitus treatment.

Ginkgo Biloba. Researches show that Ginkgo has been found useful in minimizing the irritation that tinnitus brings. Many studies in European established that standardized ginkgo extract is useful for various conditions in line with aging such as tinnitus, vertigo, poor circulation and memory loss. Not all underlying conditions that cause tinnitus works for ginkgo however the use of this herbs has no harmful side effects but enhances better memory.

 It takes time, about weeks to months before Ginkgo takes effect. It is advised that a person using Ginkgo for Tinnitus treatment is taking in the right amount daily or about 120mg of daily intake to be effective.
Sesame. Sesame seeds are edible which you can add to food. There are sesame seeds that come in other forms like the tahini, bread spread out of sesame seeds and halvah, sesame candy. Indians incorporate the use of sesame in ayurvedic medicine, Chinese herbalist have been using sesame for tinnitus treatment, dizziness and blurred vision

Black cohosh. There are subjective confirmation that black cohosh is helpful to alleviate tinnitus. Use decoction to extract the herbs oils and other organic compounds, take 3ml of tincture or 2 capsules of the crushed root 2-3 times daily in. Many herbalists recommend a combination of black cohosh and ginkgo for best results in tinnitus treatment.

 Goldenseal. It is advised not to use Goldenseal if the woman is pregnant. This herb may help some underlying causes of tinnitus. Herbalist recommends a combination of black cohosh and goldenseal for better results in the treatment of tinnitus. The ratio of combination should be one is to one.

 Lesser Periwinkle (Vinca minor). The lesser periwinkle or Vinca minor contains an organic compound, vincamine or a peripheral vasolidator that increases blood flow to the brain. These extracts are proven helpful in Germany to aid reduce tinnitus and Meniere's syndrome. It is recommended to take 20mg of dried herb capsules 3x daily. This should be taken under a professional's care as the herb has shown some severe side effects when too much of these herbs are taken.

Chris Richards has been Professional Product Reviewer for over 6 years and counting. To See his Complete Tinnitus Review Visit

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