The Key to a Healthier Lifestyle

As Gillian McKeith advocates "You are what you eat." A healthy diet combined with exercise is essential. Just as a car needs petrol to run, so your body needs fuel to function.

How do you achieve a healthy lifestyle? What types of fuel does your body require to enable you to a healthy lifestyle?

It is a known fact that balanced diet can help prevent Diabetes, Heart Disease and some Cancers. We are constantly being told that obesity has reached epidemic proportions. Therefore, it is so important that we all look closely at what we are eating to reduce these health risks. Be familiar with reading the food labels before you buy a product. I can guarantee that you will be amazed when you read the food labels at the amount of hidden sugar and salt present, particularly in processed foods.

What does a balanced diet mean?

It means eating the right amount of food and the correct portion size, as well as eating a range of foods.

Foods essential as part of a balanced diet include:

Meat, fish, poultry, eggs, pulses and beans and non-dairy products. Proteins found in meat, fish and poultry are essential for growth and energy.Eat at least two portions of fish every week, including one portion of oily fish like mackerel or sardines which contain Omega 3 essential for cardiovascular health and better brain function.

Fresh fruit and vegetables. Eat at least 5 portions a day. These foods also act as roughage or fibre, essential for bowel elimination and also contain vitamins which can lower the incidence of heart disease and some cancers.

Potatoes, pasta, rice - preferably choose the wholegrain options. These are carbohydrates or starchy foods that give you energy, but should not be eaten in large quantities.

Dairy products, milks, eggs, cheese, contain calcium necessary for bone growth and prevention of osteoporosis. Substitute low fat ranges (instead of the full fat varieties) in milk, cottage cheese and egg whites to help reduce your cholesterol (Have your cholesterol tested, as this can be a contributory factor towards heart problems)

Cut down on saturated fat and sugar. Try canola oil and pure olive oil for cooking. Extra virgin olive oil for dipping or salad dressings.

Eat less salt - no more than 6g a day for adults.

Check all food packaging for sugar, salt, cholesterol, saturated fats and calorie content.

Don't skip breakfast. A healthy breakfast gives you the energy you need for the day. Need some ideas - Oatmeal/porridge made with skimmed milk and include nuts, seeds and fruit. Boiled or poached eggs with wholemeal toast (low fat spread). Wholemeal cereal with fruit. Granola or museli (make your own).

Do not shop for food when you are hungry, you will be tempted to buy foods that you should avoid, because you are hungry and need a quick fix.

Hydration is also important for waste elimination and renal function, Green tea is high in anti-oxidants, African Rooibos Red Tea is a caffeine free tea also high in anti-oxidants. Stay clear of fizzy drinks as they are loaded with sugar. Don't allow yourself to become thirsty, keep a bottle of water on hand to keep well hydrated.

If you have not had a recent health check up, I would seriously advise you to go and see your Medical Practitioner.

It is important that you have some dietary advice, particularly if you are over-weight. There are weight loss clubs that you can join such as Weight Watchers which is renowned for its successes and is very reputable, plus it is a great way to meet other people, this can be very motivating.

Regular exercise is also essential. Start with steady exercise initially such as walking or swimming. Set yourself some goals, build up your regime over time. If you lack the commitment on your own, join a gym or a club.

Try and combine both aerobic and muscle strengthening exercises.

Aerobic exercises can include, swimming, running, power walking, cycling or take an aerobic exercise class. Muscle strengthening exercises would include, weight training, working repetitions, yoga.

It is very important that you do not over extend yourself initially if you are not used to exercising.

Be determined to succeed. You will be amazed how much better you feel after a few weeks. Not only will you notice the weight loss, but you will feel more energetic and of course you will be healthier.

The time is now, so what are you waiting for?

I am a retired midwife, who leads a healthy lifestyle and exercise regularly. But still, I have had a couple of health scares! I adore beauty and fashion. But I am inspired by those around me mainly. Visit my blog for inspiration.

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